Settlement Demand Packet in Mississippi Litigation

Before initiating medical malpractice litigation, the attorney should give the treating physician’s insurance carrier an opportunity to settle.  The attorney will prepare what is commonly referred to as a demand package (also referred to as a settlement package, demand, or demand letter).

The demand package consists of a written brief that includes (i) a concise statement of when and how the malpractice occurred; (ii) a thorough explanation of the theory of how the other party was negligent (specifically addressing any weaknesses); and (iii) a summary of damages (e.g. related injuries, prior related medical bills associated with those injuries, pain and suffering, cost estimate of necessary and related future medical care); and (iv) the settlement amount demanded.

Attached to the demand packet, the following exhibits should be included:

(a) medical reports; (b)  photos of disfigurement; (c) photos of the client (before the injury, during treatment, and after treatment has completed); (d) medical records (including doctor’s notes and diagnostic imaging results); (e) witness statements; (f) pay stubs / income tax returns, if making a lost-wages claim; and (g) the appropriate jury instructions (that would apply if a lawsuit were to be filed).

A well prepared demand packet brief will also cite case law and their application to the facts


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