Drowsy Driving Accidents

A woman died after she was ejected from her vehicle in a recent rollover accident on I-20 near Bovina. An investigation into the wreck revealed that the woman might have fallen asleep at the wheel. She was also not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the early morning wreck.

Approximately fifteen hundred people die, and thousands more are hurt every year in crashes caused by drowsy drivers. While fatigue can cause a driver to have any motor vehicle accident, many drowsy-driving wrecks are similar to the single-car rollover crash described above. Unfortunately, despite the media coverage of these horrible crashes, many Americans continue to drive when they are fatigued.

Sleep habits affect driving in much the same way that alcohol use affects driving, yet many people who would not dare to drink and drive think nothing of getting behind the wheel when they are tired. Sleep deprivation is a significant problem in America, but most people do not believe it is that big of a problem since they and many people they know are tired almost all of the time. It is a significant concern, and researchers have been working hard to understand the impacts that sleep, or the lack thereof, has on our bodies and our minds.

Research has revealed that driving drowsy is very similar to driving drunk. Everyone knows how often drunk drivers cause death and destruction. People must learn to make the connection between drowsy driving and drunk driving and think twice before driving when they are tired. As does a drunk driver, a tired driver moves along the road in a state of decreased awareness and impaired judgment. Tired drivers’ reaction times are slow, just like drivers who are intoxicated, creating a delay in their response to everything from curves in the road to vehicles or pedestrians in their path.

One crucial point that Americans must understand about drowsy driving is that it is not only the chronically sleep-deprived who are at risk for a crash caused by fatigue. Even a single instance of not getting enough rest can increase your risk of a wreck. If you think that stay-awake strategies like coffee, gum, mints, or energy drinks can help you stay alert enough to avoid an accident, know that they do not decrease your crash risk. You might feel alert for a short time following the use of those items, but your body is still tired, and that tiredness may overtake you without you even knowing it. Remember – no one tries to fall asleep at the wheel. If you start to feel tired, the safest thing you can do is stop and rest.

If you were hurt or someone that you love died in an accident involving a tired driver, contact a Mississippi Accident Attorney right away. Our Accident Lawyer at Kellum Law Firm, P.C. are here to serve you and your family. Call us at 1 (601) 969-2709 to learn more.

Kellum Law Firm, P.C.
1438 N State St
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 969-2709

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